Change of plans…

Some of the ducks came out of a row with our planned second series (11th hour and all…go figure…).

As such, we’re putting it back into the in-development pile. We believe that you should get the best we can provide to you in terms of story, artwork, etc- and the situation was such that it just didn’t pass that bar at this time. We will be re-working what we had in mind and planned for and bring it out at a later time.

That being said, we’re not going to leave you with just one story being told. We planned for at least two ongoing stories for your entertainment. We will be bringing the third planned story to full development and should be bringing it shortly to you for your enjoyment. In the meantime, please enjoy the first story as it unfolds.

Heh…new stuff for those watching and waiting….

Not officially announced yet (Feel free to spread the notice yourselves…we announce officially, however, on this (Feb 28, 2024) Sunday.) but we have the Art Reboot of TLS: Forgotten Son up and in place before we had all of our ducks fully in a row for the new story project. Better than we’d hoped so we made the start of the reboot available to y’all earlier than planned. We’ve moved Danielle’s stuff to the “First Edition” section of things and we have the first three pages of the reboot up and the schedule is every other Sunday like before, starting with the first Sunday of scheduled publication being Feb 25, 2024 (That’s just one week…)

We’re getting the initial finish-up on the next project’s assets as we speak and expect that up within the next 4-6 weeks, with an expected publication schedule being identical to Forgotten Son’s except on the alternating Sundays. This way you have two stories in the universe to follow and hopefully enjoy.

The artist’s name will be announced shortly as a blog entry and their Bio will be added- but we think you might find his handiwork really good. We do.

Watch this space over the next couple of weeks.

We have the good fortune of announcing that we have our new project largely ready and a re-boot (Art, not content…) of the original one on the way as well. We’re closing out the final logistics for both as you read this and we expect to have this all up and started briefly. As a result, the original content on our site has now been moved to a, “First Edition,” version of the strip so the original project is preserved for posterity.

Our main cartoon is on hiatus…for now…

It is with some regret, that we have to announce that Danielle Stover has stepped away from her duties with the Studio due to personal matters we are not at liberty to disclose. We, at Doomed Scholar Studios, wish her the best on her endeavors apart from us in the future.

Her artwork will remain up for the time being as we work on obtaining new help to do the work in question or upon her return to work with us. Once we have obtained an illustrator for that Graphic Novel, we will move the original strips, in their entirety, to a, “legacy,” area of the site. We expect, however, our next Graphic Novel to start briefly, either within the next month or two, so please be looking for that.

Heh. It figures…

Day job had me still out of town until Friday and I was taking a break from everything over the weekend and we ended up with a technical glitch on the server and Danielle’s next page went in…and into a holding pattern, not to be seen until I ticked a couple of boxes just now to correct the glitch and it’s now actually UP.

Enjoy. Sorry about the bobble, folks.

We now have a tip jar…

We looked into adverts to help pay for things as we moved forward. Not enough page views (Drat!) to let us join any of the reputable networks other than AdSense with Google and AdSense rejected us for whatever inscrutable reasons (The one they gave didn’t actually make ANY sense…)- we have opted for the time being to not bother with Ads.

That being said, we thought we’d find ways to have you be able to help subsidize the comics to come. To that end, we have a tip-jar page over on Ko-fi to go visit that we’ve got a button on the right hand menus for you to get there with. Ko-fi was chosen because they have one-time donation as well as Patreon-like continuing donations available as well as a web-store possible for fun things. Right now, it’s just donation/tips. More’s planned. Keep an eye out for it when we announce it.

SSL cert boggled…sigh…

Our hosting provider somehow had the SSL settings set wrong. (Go figure…) This will result in an error from the website if our certificate isn’t cached in your browser. It’ll be sorted out officially in about 24-48 hours from around now, possibly less.

I swear, it’s not someone man in the middling y’all! 🤣

You can bypass the fail at your own “risk” there following your browser’s instructions there…or wait just a bit.