We looked into adverts to help pay for things as we moved forward. Not enough page views (Drat!) to let us join any of the reputable networks other than AdSense with Google and AdSense rejected us for whatever inscrutable reasons (The one they gave didn’t actually make ANY sense…)- we have opted for the time being to not bother with Ads.
That being said, we thought we’d find ways to have you be able to help subsidize the comics to come. To that end, we have a tip-jar page over on Ko-fi to go visit that we’ve got a button on the right hand menus for you to get there with. Ko-fi was chosen because they have one-time donation as well as Patreon-like continuing donations available as well as a web-store possible for fun things. Right now, it’s just donation/tips. More’s planned. Keep an eye out for it when we announce it.